Please keep in mind I am in university full time and am working two jobs, I am not a professional business and am just one person. I ask that you all have patience with me. Midterms have just ended for me.
At this time, shipping estimation dates are highly inaccurate. Feel free to message me on Etsy for details or if you have any questions.
Q: Why such the specific price? A: I'm in Canada.
Q: Why is it taking so long? A: Read the first paragraph. And keep in mind at this time, all products are preorders. Manufacturing started at the end of the preorder period, which was October 31. I do preorders so I can see how much material I need to purchase. Products bought by preorder take significantly longer to be shipped to your location.
Because of the long wait and dissatisfaction from customers, I will not be doing preorders again. I see you, I hear you. Please know that this costs me money from my own pocket.

Status: Ready to ship
Quantity: 16
Buy it here!
Price: $7.27 USD
Note: this is VERSION ONE of the Hairdryer keychain. The design is incorrect, and the keychain is tiny. After all have been sold, this keychain model will not be sold again.

Ticket Sticker
Wiffle Ball Sticker
Nerf Dart Sticker
Blindfolded Nerf Dart Sticker
Pride Stickers
Bloodroot Stickers
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